About John n
Music B.A. Hons tutor.....guitar and general music theory.
I have previously worked as a music tutor/lecturer teaching advanced folk guitar techniques and music theory to intermediate / advanced players I have worked as a musician and recording artist in the past as well as my wider educational background. I am fully qualified as I have studied and achieved a BA Hons in Music at Newcastle University. I have been involved with music since I was seventeen and have worked in a number of different genres from rock and jazz to folk. I believe my life experiences would not only be an excellent addition but also an inspiration to some students I am a smartly presented and courteous individual, with a friendly and approachable manner. I have excellent communication skills and the ability to empathise with pupils. I work very well as part of a team as I offer support as required, With a mature and responsible outlook I can also be relied upon to work well upon my own initiative.I am an extremely responsible person and I have demonstrated this through my previous work with tutors in workshops. I am a very caring and patient person with a passion for helping musicians to grow and develop their skills.
BA.HONS ..MUSIC.......Newcastle University
O level Sociology...........Blakelaw school..Newcastle..
Leith Academy Edinburgh........Music tutor/Lecturer.
Music in Hospitals..Scotland........Music therapy performance
Folkworks.Newcastle.......... advanced guitar workshops.
Blakelaw Community School.Newcastle........community music projects.
Social services Newcastle........Red nose theatre music and drama
Leith Academy....Edinburgh
I taught a mixed aged group of students ,in guitar skills and music theory.
I developed and put together a progressive learning course which was
molded and shaped to achieve a steady progressive advancement in
Pupils skills and knowledge with a musical instrument and music theory.
I developed ,put together and ran a one full day open music theory course
open to anybody who wanted to understand music theory and be able to
write and follow music. This was open to musicians and none musicians.
Music in Hospitals...Scotland
Performing at various hospitals ,care homes etc
I put together various different therapeutic performances molded specifically
for the venues and clientele. For example in a care home for people
suffering from Dementia I put together a reminiscence program of songs and tunes from specific eras which I would perform. I would talk to them about what people were doing at that specific time line of the music and what life was like..I would then try and initiate conversation to encourage people to remember and talk ….
This I found works very well and is very therapeutic for people with Dementia. Folkworks
The Folkworks programme develops interest and practical involvement in traditional music, song and dance. This is achieved through various activities, including unique performances, one-day workouts, weekly classes, weekend courses and three week-long Summer Schools, for all ages.Folkworks was one of the founding organisations of Sage Gateshead and many events continue under the name of Folkworks, providing great opportunities to watch, listen and participate in traditional music, song and dance.
I was involved with folkworks for three years as a tutor /lecturer and as a performer .Participating in workshops and performances with all age groups.
Blakelaw community school.
I initiated an after school music project for school children. This was done in an informal relaxed social environment within the school.
The music was rock /pop based with the use of electronic equipment and amplification
The music played was chosen by the school children,i found that their progression in instrument skills and theory learning was faster because they were totally into the music they wanted to play..”the music they had chosen to play “......so they wanted to learn.....
Social Services Newcastle
Newcastle Social Services set up a professionally funded full time paid Drama/music group called “The Red nose theatre” The role of this group was to provide entertainment and therapeutic values to hospitals ,care homes.etc. I worked full time for 2 years with the theatre group we wrote our own plays,designed our own sets and costumes . My involvement with the group was selecting and arranging suitable music and song for the productions and the venues we were allocated to play and performing live with the group in a given role .
CIOFF is an international cultural -governmental Organization (NGO) ... International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts.
I have been involved with CIOFF for about 30 years in my capacity as a performer and as a group musical director orchestrating and playing music for traditional dancers in festivals abroad....in.Bulgaria.Russia,USA ,Italy,France,Turkey,Slovenia,Hungary,Portugal,Spain.
Technical skills
Computers..... I am versed in word and have used powerpoint for presentations....One of my hobbies is photography so I use Adobe photoshop editing software.I have a small hobbyist recording studio set up in my house ,However I am an expert in using highly advanced state of the art professional recording software on the computer and live music tech P.A equipment. I am an expert in state of the art musical software and equipment and its applications with having worked and recorded in professional recording studios with professional engineers...and my involvement with setting up music tech equipment for live performances.I always keep up to date with new technologies apps and equipment and applications in this field of work...
I play several musical instruments Piano,Guitar,Bouzouki.Cittern and mandolin.
My hobbies are photography D.I Y. and cooking.I have entered many photographs into competitions and I find cooking very creative too. I have a small pro recording hobbyist studio set up on my computer and have recorded local acoustic musicians if they want a demo..
Other info
BIRTH DATE..................21.07.54
DRIVING LICENCE...........Yes full clean license
CONVICTIONS ..................None
I also have a recent Police Scotland Disclosure which is mandatory now for certain specific jobs, if you are working with vulnerable groups of people.
BA.HONS ..MUSIC.......Newcastle University
O level Sociology...........Blakelaw school..Newcastle..
Leith Academy Edinburgh........Music tutor/Lecturer.
Music in Hospitals..Scotland........Music therapy performance
Folkworks.Newcastle.......... advanced guitar workshops.
Blakelaw Community School.Newcastle........community music projects.
Social services Newcastle........Red nose theatre music and drama
Leith Academy....Edinburgh
I taught a mixed aged group of students ,in guitar skills and music theory.
I developed and put together a progressive learning course which was
molded and shaped to achieve a steady progressive advancement in
Pupils skills and knowledge with a musical instrument and music theory.
I developed ,put together and ran a one full day open music theory course
open to anybody who wanted to understand music theory and be able to
write and follow music. This was open to musicians and none musicians.
Music in Hospitals...Scotland
Performing at various hospitals ,care homes etc
I put together various different therapeutic performances molded specifically
for the venues and clientele. For example in a care home for people
suffering from Dementia I put together a reminiscence program of songs and tunes from specific eras which I would perform. I would talk to them about what people were doing at that specific time line of the music and what life was like..I would then try and initiate conversation to encourage people to remember and talk ….
This I found works very well and is very therapeutic for people with Dementia. Folkworks
The Folkworks programme develops interest and practical involvement in traditional music, song and dance. This is achieved through various activities, including unique performances, one-day workouts, weekly classes, weekend courses and three week-long Summer Schools, for all ages.Folkworks was one of the founding organisations of Sage Gateshead and many events continue under the name of Folkworks, providing great opportunities to watch, listen and participate in traditional music, song and dance.
I was involved with folkworks for three years as a tutor /lecturer and as a performer .Participating in workshops and performances with all age groups.
Blakelaw community school.
I initiated an after school music project for school children. This was done in an informal relaxed social environment within the school.
The music was rock /pop based with the use of electronic equipment and amplification
The music played was chosen by the school children,i found that their progression in instrument skills and theory learning was faster because they were totally into the music they wanted to play..”the music they had chosen to play “......so they wanted to learn.....
Social Services Newcastle
Newcastle Social Services set up a professionally funded full time paid Drama/music group called “The Red nose theatre” The role of this group was to provide entertainment and therapeutic values to hospitals ,care homes.etc. I worked full time for 2 years with the theatre group we wrote our own plays,designed our own sets and costumes . My involvement with the group was selecting and arranging suitable music and song for the productions and the venues we were allocated to play and performing live with the group in a given role .
CIOFF is an international cultural -governmental Organization (NGO) ... International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts.
I have been involved with CIOFF for about 30 years in my capacity as a performer and as a group musical director orchestrating and playing music for traditional dancers in festivals abroad....in.Bulgaria.Russia,USA ,Italy,France,Turkey,Slovenia,Hungary,Portugal,Spain.
Technical skills
Computers..... I am versed in word and have used powerpoint for presentations....One of my hobbies is photography so I use Adobe photoshop editing software.I have a small hobbyist recording studio set up in my house ,However I am an expert in using highly advanced state of the art professional recording software on the computer and live music tech P.A equipment. I am an expert in state of the art musical software and equipment and its applications with having worked and recorded in professional recording studios with professional engineers...and my involvement with setting up music tech equipment for live performances.I always keep up to date with new technologies apps and equipment and applications in this field of work...
I play several musical instruments Piano,Guitar,Bouzouki.Cittern and mandolin.
My hobbies are photography D.I Y. and cooking.I have entered many photographs into competitions and I find cooking very creative too. I have a small pro recording hobbyist studio set up on my computer and have recorded local acoustic musicians if they want a demo..
Other info
BIRTH DATE..................21.07.54
DRIVING LICENCE...........Yes full clean license
CONVICTIONS ..................None
I also have a recent Police Scotland Disclosure which is mandatory now for certain specific jobs, if you are working with vulnerable groups of people.
Subjects | Level |
Music |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
8am-12pm |
12pm-4pm |
4pm-7pm |
Late Eve.
7pm-10pm |